A few words about (unit) testing
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Purpose of testing I think every developer knows something about different types of testing (unit, integration, functional / acceptance, regression, etc.). Add to this performance testing, black-box testing and you…
Reasons to avoid Try/catch/swallow block
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This question has been asked multiple times before: why is “try { … } catch {}” a bad practice? ([0], [1], [2]). All of those answers are good, but I would…
cn=admin,cn=config password and bdb_equality_candidates: not indexed
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So you want to modify your config of ldap, you might want to use ldapvi, such as below: ldapvi -h ldap://localhost -D cn=admin,cn=config -b cn=config — Login Type M-h for…
Ruby – Regex – Special characters
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“There ain’t no such thing as plain text”. Joel Spolsky (what every developer must know about unicode). This text is based on the assumption, that current locale uses UTF-8 encoding.…
find & chmod & xargs – changing uid of files
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Because of the system reinstallation & user ids remapping, I wanted to update all of the files from given UID to new UID. One of the ways to do this…
RSnapshot – migrate to other drive
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Once you start using rsnapshot and you haven’t thought about increasing hard drive requirements, you didn’t setup LVM, you might want to migrate yours rsnasphot directory to bigger drive, preferably…